Child benefit and study allowance

Not sure if you keep your child benefit when you embark on a foreign adventure during or after your studies? Are you eligible for a study allowance when you go study abroad? Find it out here.

Child benefit

In principle, your parents receive a child benefit (also known as 'child money') as long as you are under 18. If you live alone and are at least 16 years old, you may receive your own child benefit.

Even after the age of 18, you or your parents can still receive a child benefit, though from then on, there are conditions attached to the right to a child benefit. You can receive a child benefit up to the age of 25. The month in which you turn 25 is the last month in which you can receive a child benefit.

To find out what to do when you leave for a stay abroad, please consult:

- Kamiel (NL only)

- Famiris (national agency with dedicated info in NL, FR, DE depending on place of residence in Belgium)

A plant that grows from a piggy bank.

Study allowance for foreign studies

You are eligible for a study allowance when you follow a foreign study programme within and outside the EHEA provided that these three conditions are met:

  • The institution or training has been recognized by the local educational authority.
  • The training leads to a diploma that is recognized by the local educational authority.
  • You meet all the requirements that also apply in Flanders to receive a study allowance.

Furthermore, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • Your main residence is in the Flemish Region.
  • You have already obtained a diploma of secondary education from the Flemish Community.
  • You have already obtained a diploma of higher education from the Flemish Community.

If you study outside the EHEA, two additional conditions apply:

  • For the training to be followed, there is no equivalent training in Flanders.
  • The study program and the organizing institution abroad must contribute to the further development of the scientific discipline.

To receive a study allowance, please visit the website of and set up a profile in the digital portal.

Please note: if you are studying abroad, your file will never be started automatically. You must therefore always submit an application yourself!

A school book bag.